ChatGPT 4.0 concludes... Client consent is crucial because it reflects their engagement and interest, confirming that the solutions or products presented align with their needs. Forcing a sale or advancing without a clear yes can lead to misunderstandings, unmet expectations, and ultimately, a loss of potential business. It’s essential for sales professionals to recognise and respect the client's decision-making pace, ensuring they feel heard and understood.
Reality Check: We Can Never Advance The Sale Unless The Client Says “Yes”.
There are only ever 3 outcomes to a client meeting in the sales cycle:
1. We advance
2. We go back a step (sometimes in order to go forward)
3. We ‘stay where we are in the process’ (no advance, no regression). The status quo is maintained
Top performers plan every meeting to enable the prospect or client to take the Next Logical Decision (NLD) in their own best interests.